Special projects

Butterflyway Project
from The Suzuki Foundation
In 2017, David Suzuki Foundation initiated the Butterflyway Project. This volunteer-led movement brings nature home to neighbourhoods, one butterfly-friendly garden at a time. The foundation has trained over 1,500 Butterflyway Rangers in hundreds of communities across Canada. Rangers then connect with neighbours to create habitat gardens in residential yards, school and corporate grounds, boulevards and
parks. When 12 or more patches are established, a new Butterflyway is born.
MECA believes it’s important to develop our community’s capacity to engage in biodiversity at all levels, which includes donating land, as well as contributing to welcoming habitats for all levels of life on our territory. Our Butterflyway project creates another level of commitment.
Our goals :
- To raise awareness of the importance of planting native vegetation that provides fruit, seeds, nectar and
egg-laying sites for butterflies, insects and birds.
- To increase the number of native plant gardens favorable to butterflies and other insects that enhance
- Open the door to lectures throughout the community, whether local schools, churches, gardening groups, etc., which provide an opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of biodiversity.
MECA join
The Butterflyway project is already a great success across Canada.
Research has already shown that an increase in butterfly-friendly gardens can have an effect on the Monarch butterfly and other insect populations.
Learn more about MECA’s Butterflyway Rangers contact meca.acme.conservation@gmail.com

Bluebird Project
MECA has set up a bird nesting program adapted to the needs of the bluebird. This program aims to significantly increase the bluebird population in the Sutton region.
To date, MECA has entrusted over 125 bird nesting boxes to citizens concerned about the decline of bluebirds. Recent observations testify to the success of the operation and the need to continue this beneficial and highly promising initiative.
For more details
The Bluebird Society of North America has graciously allowed us to reproduce their material for this project. It explains the nesting habits of bluebirds and provides instructions on how to build and maintain nest boxes.