What You Can Do

Get Involved

What You Can Do

MECA is a local organization dedicated to preserving biodiversity through the conservation of land on the Singer & Mont Echo Mountain ranges and surrounding lands within the Sutton region. Much of our success can be attributed to the visionary landowners we work with and their knowledge and commitment to the land resulting in the protection and conversation of the diversity of natural habitats.

Land Owner

Do you have property that deserves protection?

There are several ways you can work with MECA to protect and conserve your property. We consult with you and identify the best tool for your situation.


  • Donating your property to MECA – become eligible for tax credits and other advantages.
  • Entering into a deed of servitude towards the dominant land owned by a conservation group, landowners can protect their land in perpetuity while keeping their property rights. Furthermore, the servitude option makes landowners eligible for tax credits.
  • Selling your land for conservation.

Become a Member of MECA

 Interested in becoming a member?

Simply sign up and pay the annual membership fee of $75 and receive our newsletters, offers to attend seminars & information sessions held by MECA and our partners.


Please fill out the form to receive your tax receipt, invite to events including AGM and click the box to receive our annual newsletter.

    Join Us

546 Chemin Turkey Hill, Brome, QC, J0E 1K0

Business number: 86069 7572 RR0001


 Membership Form & Renewal


There are so many ways you can make a difference.
Click on this Zeffy Link to join MECA, or fill the form and send us an e transfer at meca.acme.conservation@gmail.com

 Annual Membership Fee: $75 (one person), $100 (a couple) and $150 (per family)

You’ll receive a tax-deductible receipt for the amount of your membership fee and for any donations
you make throughout the year, every year you renew your subscription or contribute.



Membership Fee

1 + 5 =

Note: A deductible tax receipt will be issued for $75.00.

Please make your check or money order payable to Mt. Echo Conservation Association.

For more information or to consult

Send Us an Email


Donate to MECA

Advocate on behalf of the precious mountains, streams, watersheds, plants and animals in this important and fragile ecosystem.

A donation to MECA will ensure that our natural spaces, and the species they sustain, are protected. For today, for tomorrow and for generations to come.
